Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

Assisting clients to overcome immigration-related problems on humanitarian and compassionate grounds.
Humanitarian and Compassionate Applications

Humanitarian and compassionate (H&C) applications and refugee claims

Humanitarian and compassionate applications are for people who want to immigrate and settle in Canada, but who are not eligible under any of the other immigration category. Humanitarian and compassionate grounds apply to people with exceptional cases. Applications are assessed on a case-by-case basis, and decision-makers will look at factors such as how settled the person is in Canada, family ties to Canada, ties to the community, the best interests of any children involved, and any repercussions if the request is denied (excluding risk factors which is for refugee claimants and protected persons claimants).

These applications require great care, skill and strategy, as they are discretionary and case-specific. Our law firm has represented many humanitarian and compassionate applicants with great success.